Maitland Office

CBD Central, Suite 1, Level 1/14 Bulwer St, Maitland NSW 2320

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm

Emma Bates

Practice Manager

Emma works with us as Practice Manager, ensuring the business runs smoothly and guaranteeing fluidity in day to day practices.

She has been working with us since 2007 and enjoys the learning process that has come along with the job.

Emma says the most rewarding aspect of working for Macmillans Accountants is genuinely liking where she works. She enjoys working with a fantastic group of people, and the truly great work culture that she is apart of.

Her favourite part of the Maitland region is having the best of both worlds! She loves being halfway between the beach and the vineyards, and the small town feel of the area.